Monday, December 5, 2011

WyGeo Web Journal: Ever wonder how you can get in to Wyo State Lands that are open to you? Read the Wyofile report and use the Office of State Lands and Investment's new map tool to find out how.

Great new tool for access to state lands

The Office of State Lands and Investments just launched a great new online mapping application to navigate access to state lands, which are open to the public. Here’s the url for the site;


The state administers about 3.5 million acres of surface estate held in-trust and managed almost exclusively for the benefit of Wyoming schools. State lands are typically located on Sections 16 and 36 of each township, and are represented as blue squares on maps as part of a complex checkerboard of surface ownership. In addition to energy development, logging and agriculture, state lands provide myriad hunting and recreational opportunities. But access is tricky, because you MAY NOT cross private lands to access state lands without specific approval.

According to a news release today, the new interactive mapping tool on the Office of State Lands and Investments web site is intended to help determine where state lands are located, and where potential access points exist.

“Access to state lands is very important to the people of the state. These maps will hopefully provide a useful tool to guide the thoughtful and appropriate use of State trust lands,” Gov. Matt Mead said in a prepared statement. “Too often the Board of Land Commissioners is in the position of mediating disputes between sportsmen, landowners and other state lessees after the fact. These maps help provide information on the front end and hopefully this will limit these sorts of conflicts going forward.”

The Office of State Lands and Investments listed a phone number for more information; (307) 777-8510.

Here's the link to this story on Wyofile:

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Saturday, November 19, 2011

Precinct Training Today!

Great training today on building our individual precincts to promote freedom and liberty for Casper! Nice training! Thanks Dana and Jane and RC Johnson for helping to put on this important event!

Friday, November 11, 2011

In Support of our Veterans and Men and Women in Uniform

We stand in support of our military personnel in uniform, our veterans, and those POW and MIA individuals from all conflicts. Thank you for your service to America. Please come out tomorrow in support of our service men and women (see below).

 Casper Veterans Ceremony



November 11th, 2011 11:00 AM


Principal speaker will be recently retired U.S. District Court Chief Judge William F. Downes, a decorated Vietnam War veteran. Master of Ceremonies will be KTWO Radio personality Brian Scott. Other program participants include Rev. Leonard L. Robinson, a WWII Bataan Death March survivor, doing the invocation and the benedictions, and Kenn Gilchrist, U.S. Marine Corps Vietnam War veteran will sing the National Anthem.

Leading the Pledge of Allegiance will be Cecil V. Barnes, president, Natrona County United Veterans Council. sponsor of the event. Jack Watters, historian of Elks Lodge No. 1353 will trace the history of Veterans' Day. Casper Police Chief Chris Walsh will render a Tribute to the Fallen and Susan R. Thomas will recite "A Cowboy's Prayer."

The NCHS Jr. ROTC Honor Guard will present and retire the colors for the observance, and at the conclusion of the program, the Jr. ROTC will fire its cannon, which will be followed by Taps played by Robert D. Meloy.

For more information, call Gary Cohee at 237-7864 or Stan Lowe at 265-1585.
Contact: For more information
Phone: (307) 237-7864

Nov 11, 2011 at 11am

Monday, September 26, 2011

Jefferson Jackson Dinner Signup closes tomorrow!

This is your final reminder to buy or reserve your tickets now for the Oct. 1 Jefferson-Jackson Banquet at the Outlaw Inn in Rock Springs (that's this coming Saturday). The reservation deadline is TUESDAY, SEPT. 27, so please get your tickets now. You can make a reservation by calling us at 800-729-3367 (800-SAY-DEMS) or you can buy tickets on our Web site at:

This year's event is geared toward showing our party's support for working people of all stripes, including organized labor, nonunion workers, and those looking for jobs. We are proud to have Leslie Frane, national director of the Public Services Division of the Service Employees International Union, as our keynote speaker, and Wyoming Democratic Party Chairman Chuck Herz will announce the winner of the Party Builder of the Year Award, among other highlights.
The banquet is scheduled for 7 p.m., and individual tickets are $75 per person. In addition, we will hold a VIP Cocktail Hour with Leslie Frane, Chairman Herz, and other featured guests starting at 6 p.m., and tickets to that event are $100 each.

Also, the Sweetwater County Democratic Party is holding an event on Friday night, Sept. 30, for those of us who will be arriving early in Rock Springs. The county party wants to share its proud heritage with 56 nationalities settling in Rock Springs alone, so join them if you can for local cooking cuisine and beverages on Friday from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Rock Springs Historical Museum located at 201 B Street. Cost for that event is $10 per person with space limited to 50. RSVP to JoAnn Dayton at 307-382-5623 or by Wednesday, Sept. 28.

This is shaping up to be a great weekend, so don't miss our annual fall banquet and political rally with Democratic leaders and activists from across Wyoming! While we expect to have a very few tickets available at the door, space is limited, so reserve your tickets today. I look forward to seeing you there!

Bill LuckettExecutive Director
Wyoming Democratic Party
(307) 473-1457 (office)
(307) 631-7638

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Central Committee Meeting , Sept 29, 2011 - 6:30 PM



When is it? THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2011 - 6:30 PM

Constituent Action Issue: “DEMOCRATS AND UNIONS: Past, Present and Future"

Distinguished guest: Kim Floyd of the AFL-CIO

This will be a very frank and open examination of the connection
between Democrats and unions. Much has been said in the national media about the rumored break in the relationship. The panel of union leaders led by Kim Floyd of the AFL-CIO will set the record straight and help us prepare for the coming 2012 election cycle.


Bring your fabulous desserts or snacks-
Party will supply non-alcoholic beverages
For more information please call R.C. Johnson at 237-6889
Bring family, friends and neighbors!!!!
We are the open Party at work for working people

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Protect Wyoming Workers: Rep. Mary Throne presents "The War Against Women"

Protect Wyoming Workers: Rep. Mary Throne presents "The War Against Women"

Rep. Mary Throne presents "The War Against Women"

Our featured speaker, Representative Mary Throne, Minority Whip 2010-2012 Wyoming Legislature. The issue? "The War Against Women". Addressing the outrageous actions made against women by Republican/Conservative extremists and their supporters, in Wyoming and nationally. Wyoming Democrats are here to protect your right to be who you are and keep government OUT of your personal decisions.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Miners Die Due to Safety Violations

May 23, 2011

Dear Editor:

Open Letter to the Republican Party and the Tea Party Movement:

A little more than a year ago, 29 miners died needlessly in the Upper Big Branch coal mine accident in West Virginia. At that time, Massey Energy, owner of the mine, claimed that it maintained adequate safety standards, despite numerous previous citations for safety violations. Massey Energy was paying lip service to the safety of the miners, while maximizing its profits.

In the aftermath of this tragedy, the state of West Virginia commissioned a report to determine the reasons for the disaster. It names poor and unsafe working conditions and a lack of maintenance of safety equipment and machinery as major contributing factors in causing the deaths of these men. Again, Massey Energy was sacrificing worker safety, while protecting its corporate profits.

During the George W. Bush administration, the federal Mine Safety Administration chose lax inspection and enforcement of safety standards at the Upper Big Branch and other mines. The administration came down on the side of the company, allowing it to build up its profits. This was as inexcusable as the corporation’s perpetrating its violations. Once again, Massey made out like bandits. Safety laws and regulations must be enforced to protect the well-being and lives of workers.

Recently, our congressional delegation has given support for an amendment to the Constitution, which would allow states to pick and choose which federal laws and regulations they could nullify, if enough states choose to do so. Senator Enzi spoke disparagingly of “unelected bureaucrats,” enforcing so-called unnecessary regulations and statutes. Since when did those in agencies charged with enforcing statutes passed by Congress become “unelected bureaucrats?” What a phony argument!

The Republican Party and the Tea Party Movement show contempt for government – no matter what size. Oddly enough, they are constantly acting contrary to freedom and the free enterprise system.

It’s time to ask, “What is more important, the safety and lives of working people or corporate profits?”

Enough is enough! Instead of believing the hysterical reactions and false claims of “encroachment by the feds,” each thinking person must ask these groups, “When, where, and how will you put first the rights and safety of working people to earn a decent living?”

Tom Davis

2563 Hanway Avenue

Casper, WY 82604


Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Medicare Cuts a Disaster

I am a senior citizen on Medicare. If the Republican Party’s plan to privatize Medicare went into effect, millions of Americans would be the losers. They would be forced to use vouchers, equivalent to a limited amount of money, to purchase private insurance. We all know that insurance companies already hold all the winning cards in a health-care system, which is a big gamble to begin with, for the elderly and poor. Insurance companies will be able to raise rates practically at will, as they do now. Those “dollars” in the form of vouchers won’t go far then, and we will be priced out of the market.

Seventy per cent of Americans oppose dismantling Medicare as we know it. We know the facts and understand the issue. We will stand united to defeat this ill-conceived plan, perpetrated by private special interests, which are actually being represented by congressional Republicans, including Cynthia Lummis. We won’t forget this at election time.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Wyoming Oil and Gas forms safety alliance with OSHA - a positive step to improve workplace safety.

Positive step towards increasing worker safety through collaboration sought. Wyoming OSHA and the Wyoming Oil and Gas industrial safety group, WOGISA, should be commended for the formation of an alliance to focus on worker safety in Wyoming. Safety partnership to be endorsed by Governor Meade, a further indication that safety is at last coming into the spotlight here in accident-prone Wyoming. The program will focus on training and the creation of a discussion forum related to identifying health challenges within the state.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

To all Seniors on Medicare

June 13, 2011

I am a senior citizen on Medicare. If the Republican Party’s plan to privatize Medicare
went into effect, millions of Americans would be the losers. They would be forced
to use vouchers, equivalent to a limited amount of money, to purchase private health
insurance. We all know that health insurance companies already hold all the winning
cards in a health-care system, which is a big gamble to begin with, for the elderly and
poor. Insurance companies will be able to raise rates practically at will, as they do now.
Those “dollars” in the form of vouchers won’t go far then, and we will be priced out of
the market.

Seventy per cent of Americans oppose dismantling Medicare as we know it. We know
the facts and understand the issue. We will stand united to defeat this ill-conceived
plan, perpetrated by private special interests, which are actually being represented by
congressional Republicans, including Cynthia Lummis. We will not forget this at election

Tom Davis

Open Letter to the Republican Party and the Tea Party Movement

May 23, 2011

A little more than a year ago, 29 miners died needlessly in the Upper Big Branch coal mine accident in West Virginia. At that time, Massey Energy, owner of the mine, claimed that it maintained adequate safety standards, despite numerous previous citations for safety violations.  Massey Energy was paying lip service to the safety of the miners, while maximizing its profits.

In the aftermath of this tragedy, the state of West Virginia commissioned a report to determine the reasons for the disaster. It names poor and unsafe working conditions and a lack of maintenance of safety equipment and machinery as major contributing factors in causing the deaths of these men. Again, Massey Energy was sacrificing worker safety, while protecting its corporate profits.

During the George W. Bush administration, the federal Mine Safety Administration chose lax inspection and enforcement of safety standards at the Upper Big Branch and other mines. The administration came down on the side of the company, allowing it to build up its profits. This was as inexcusable as the corporation’s perpetrating its violations. Once again, Massey made out like bandits. Safety laws and regulations must be enforced to protect the well-being and lives of workers.

Recently, our congressional delegation has given support for an amendment to the Constitution, which would allow states to pick and choose which federal laws and regulations they could nullify, if enough states choose to do so.  Senator Enzi spoke disparagingly of “unelected bureaucrats,” enforcing so-called unnecessary regulations and statutes. Since when did those in agencies charged with enforcing statutes passed by Congress become “unelected bureaucrats?”  What a phony argument!

The Republican Party and the Tea Party Movement show contempt for government – no matter what size. Oddly enough, they are constantly acting contrary to freedom and the free enterprise system.

It’s time to ask, “What is more important, the safety and lives of working people or corporate profits?”

Enough is enough! Instead of believing the hysterical reactions and false claims of “encroachment by the feds,” each thinking person must ask these groups, “When, where, and how will you put first the rights and safety of working people to earn a decent living?”

Tom Davis

The Equality State lived up to it's name (click link here to see for yourself)

Back in March 2011, Wyoming legislators were considering enacting strong discriminatory policies against homosexuals here is the Equality State. Watch here as the issue got air time on the national media cycle as Rachel Maddow reports on the "most Republican state in the nation" and how common sense and adherence to fundamental rights that should be allowed all people was defended by both Democrats and some Republicans in Wyoming at least for now.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Banning Shari'a Law - Real need or promoting inequality?

The supposed banning of Sharia law adds up to little more than religious inequality imposed at the state level. Read the ACLU report linked to in this article and form your own opinion on this issue.